We are a group of local women...
who are dedicated to supporting our community. We come from all walks of life and different financial backgrounds. As individuals, we've found that it is difficult to make a large impact; but as a group, we have the ability to contribute to the growth of our community in ways that we never thought possible. Our mission is the continual financial support of Lake County non-profit organizations. By rallying 100+ women to come together in support of local charities and through our collective fundraising efforts, we keep it local and have an impact that WE can SEE in OUR communities.
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Know of a non-profit that needs support? We want to hear from you!
Click on FORMS above to nominate a Charity!
Join us & connect with other savvy women who are making a difference in Lake County
Our Mailing Address is PO Box 1275, Lakeport, CA 95453